Covid-19 Circle


COVID-19 Corona Virus South African Resource Portal What is COVID-19? On 31 December 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan City, China. ‘Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2’ (SARS-CoV-2) was confirmed as the causative agent of what we now know as ‘Coronavirus Disease 2019’ (COVID-19). Since then, [...]

Covid-19 Circle2020-05-08T11:53:00+00:00

Enhance Brain Wellness – Your Best Asset


Enhance Brain Wellness – Your Best Asset Your brain is the hard drive of your soul and can be compared with a computer. You cannot maximize your computer without the necessary programs. Your brain patterns help you (or hurt you) with coping with life challenges like stress management, with your marriage, parenting skills, work, [...]

Enhance Brain Wellness – Your Best Asset2020-04-14T09:01:07+00:00