
Do you harm, cut, or injure yourself or know…


Do you harm, cut, or injure yourself or know somebody who does self-mutilation? Then this blog is specially for you to become more knowledgeable about this challenging, unhealthy emotional behavior! Self-mutilation also known as self-harm or self-injury, is a complex and often misunderstood behavior. It involves the act of intentionally causing harm to [...]

Do you harm, cut, or injure yourself or know…2024-11-04T14:19:28+00:00

Understanding ADD and ADHD


Understanding ADD and ADHD: A Guide for Parents and Adults Are you concerned about your child's concentration in school or your focus at work? Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are neurodevelopmental conditions that can significantly impact attention, impulse control, and overall performance in both children and adults. What [...]

Understanding ADD and ADHD2024-11-01T09:05:28+00:00

#Suicide Awareness: You Can Help Save a Life !!


# Suicide Awareness: You Can Help Save a Life !! Did you know that from September to November, suicide rates are statistically at their highest? It's a heart-breaking reality that no one is immune from—these tragedies don't just happen to strangers. Too often, families are left saying, "No one expected this." The person [...]

#Suicide Awareness: You Can Help Save a Life !!2024-10-30T17:07:34+00:00

Breaking Free from…


Breaking Free from Self-Medication and Addiction: Why Psychological Support is Crucial In today's world, it can be hard to recognize when you're self-medicating. After all, drinking alcohol is a socially acceptable part of many cultures. Prescription medications are found in most homes, and recreational drugs like marijuana are legal or easily accessible in [...]

Breaking Free from…2024-11-04T14:22:27+00:00

Understand your thinking


Understand your thinking style and yourself! Are You Struggling to Connect? Do you ever feel frustrated during conversations? Feeling like others just don’t “get” you? Do misunderstandings frequently arise, whether at work, with friends, or even at home? Have you ever walked away from a discussion feeling unheard or thinking, “If only they [...]

Understand your thinking2024-11-01T09:11:06+00:00

Maak Jy ‘n Narsis Groot?


Die slaggate van te veel lofsange. As jy dink jou kind is die oulikste, slimste kind wat daar is en jy maak seker hulle weet dit, moet jy dalk begin om ‘n bietjie briek aan te draai met al die lofprysing en komplimente of jy maak dalk ‘n narsis groot, volgens die kenners. [...]

Maak Jy ‘n Narsis Groot?2024-10-30T17:03:39+00:00

Stres En Covid-19


HELP ! Dalk te veel stres en meer vatbaar vir COVID-19?  Stres Stres het ongemerk deel van ons daaglikse woordeskat en lewe geword. So het die simptome van hoë stresvlakke ook ‘n “normaal” geword, sodat ons dit dalk nie eers meer raaksien nie. Ons liggaam is ontwerp om ‘n klein bietjie stres op [...]

Stres En Covid-192024-11-01T12:51:22+00:00

Learn Faster…


Learning Your ability to learn faster than your competitors will be to your advantage. But knowledge without action is worthless. Your ability to translate your learning into action and master the forces of change will be your competitive advantage. But action and knowledge without ethics is dangerous. Your ability to base your actions [...]

Learn Faster…2024-11-01T12:52:22+00:00

Positiewe Denke Vir Sukses


Jou Kind Se Denke Verseker Sy/Haar Sukses Ons “lewensreis” het die afgelope tyd radikale veranderinge ondergaan. Weg is die gemaksones waarin ons so geborge kon voel. Die ironie is dat juis hierdie gemaksones, soms boksies was wat ons weerhou het om probleemoplossend te dink en ons volle potensiaal te bereik. Ons as ouers [...]

Positiewe Denke Vir Sukses2024-11-01T12:52:44+00:00



Slaap – ‘n heerlike ontvlugting of ‘n nagtelike teistering? Vind uit hoekom jy sukkel om jou brein af te skakel en hoe jy dit kan oorkom. Vandat tegnologie in ons lewe gekom het, kry ons nie  meer genoeg kwaliteit slaap nie. COVID-19, die gepaardgaande angs, asook ons veranderde dagroetine dra tans verder tot [...]

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